The Human Sexuality Laboratory of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon - HumanSexLab - aims to host / join / support/ research on human sexuality developed by or in collaboration with this education institution. The purpose of the HumanSexLab is to contribute to the understanding of human sexuality from a biopsychosocial perspective. The laboratory uses various research methodologies (questionnaires, interviews, psychophysiological data, exploratory, descriptive and explanatory studies). It relies on the participation of volunteers, on the input of fellow researchers from different disciplinary areas and also on the support of students in order to proceed with our studies.

Although we study the effectiveness of clinical interventions, we do not provide support, counseling or therapy in cases of sexual difficulties.

If you have any sexual problem for which you need help, you may find a list of public and private consultations available on the website of the  Portuguese Society of Clinical Sexology.


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